Cold Laser Therapy for Arthritis: Does It Really Work?

Arthritis is a common condition that can cause pain and inflammation in the joints. There is no cure for arthritis, but there are treatments that can help to ease the symptoms. 

One treatment that is sometimes used for arthritis is cold laser therapy. Cold laser therapy is a type of low-level laser therapy for joint pain that is said to help relieve pain and inflammation in the joints.

However, there is some confusion about the effectiveness of this treatment. Does cold laser therapy really work? In this blog post, we'll look at the science behind cold laser therapy and see if there is any evidence to support its use for arthritis.

What Is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy is a type of treatment that uses low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to stimulate the healing process in soft tissue and intimate areas. The lasers emit concentrated beams of light at a specific wavelength that can penetrate deep into tissue without damaging it. 

This helps to reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling while promoting the regeneration of cells and tissue.

Cold laser therapy is a relatively new treatment modality, but it has been shown by the National Library of Medicine to be effective in treating a variety of musculoskeletal pain. It is often used to treat chronic pain, injuries, and wounds. It can also be used to improve sexual function and treat conditions like vaginal atrophy and erectile dysfunction.

How Does Cold Laser Therapy Work for Arthritis?

So how does this treatment work? Cold laser therapy works by delivering low-level laser light to the affected area. This light energy is absorbed by the cells and stimulates the production of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. ATP is the energy source that cells need to function and repair themselves.

Some studies have also shown that cold laser therapy can increase the production of collagen, which is the protein that makes up connective tissue. This can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the affected area. 

In general, cold laser therapy is thought to be safe and effective, and it is often used as an alternative to other forms of treatment, such as medication or surgery. However, continuous use of this treatment should be verified first with a doctor. 

Pros of Cold Laser Therapy for Arthritis

A study published in the National Library of Medicine shows that LLLT can nearly cure Osteoarthritis with the contribution of Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy! 

The study also mentions a few potential benefits of cold laser therapy for arthritis, including:

1. Reduced Inflammation

One of the main benefits of cold laser therapy is its ability to reduce inflammation. This is particularly beneficial for people with arthritis, as inflammation is a major contributor to joint pain and stiffness.

2. Increased Blood Flow

Another benefit of cold laser therapy is that it can increase blood flow to the treated area. This increased blood flow can help to reduce pain and stiffness by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the joints.

3. Faster Healing

Cold laser therapy can also promote faster healing by stimulating the production of collagen and other healing factors. This is beneficial for people with arthritis as it can help to repair damaged joint tissue and improve joint function.

4. Non-Invasive

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that does not require the use of drugs or surgery. This makes it a safe and effective treatment option for people with arthritis.

5. Pain-Free

Cold laser therapy is generally a pain-free treatment option. Some people may experience a mild tingling sensation during treatment, but this is typically short-lived and well-tolerated.

If you are suffering from arthritis, cold laser therapy may be a treatment option worth considering. This therapy offers several potential benefits, including reduced inflammation, increased blood flow, faster healing, and pain relief.

Downside Of Cold Laser Therapy for Arthritis

While the benefits of Cold Laser Therapy are backed by medicinal studies, a study titled "Low-level laser therapy for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis" also suggests that LLLT should only be considered as short-term pain relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis since it comes with some side effects.

Here are some potential downsides to this type of treatment:

  • Cold laser therapy can be expensive, and it is not always covered by insurance. 
  • There is also a risk of side effects, such as skin irritation, redness, and swelling. 
  • Cold laser therapy should be used with caution in people who have a history of cancer or who are taking medications that can increase the risk of cancer.

Is Cold Laser Therapy for Arthritis FDA Approved? 

Currently, there is no formal FDA approval for cold laser therapy as a treatment for arthritis. However, this does not mean that cold laser therapy is not effective for treating arthritis pain. There are many anecdotal reports from patients who have used cold laser therapy to successfully relieve their arthritis pain.

So, while cold laser therapy is not FDA approved for treating arthritis specifically, there is evidence to suggest that it can be an effective form of pain relief for arthritis sufferers. 

If you are considering cold laser therapy as a treatment for your arthritis, be sure to consult with your doctor first to see if it is right for you.

How to Get Started with Cold Laser Therapy for Arthritis?

Cold laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive treatment that has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation in people with arthritis. It is often used as an adjunct to other treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, and injections.

If you are interested in trying cold laser therapy for your arthritis, here are a few things you should know to get started:

  1. Talk to your doctor. 

Cold laser therapy is not appropriate for everyone, so it's important to talk to your doctor to see if it's right for you. Your doctor will also be able to tell you what to expect from the treatment.

  1. Find a certified provider. 

Not all providers are certified to perform cold laser therapy, so it's important to find one that is. A certified provider will have the proper professional cold laser devices and training to treat you safely and effectively.

  1. Know what to expect. 

Cold laser therapy is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you can expect to go home the same day. The treatment itself is quick, often taking only a few minutes. Most people report feeling no pain or discomfort during the treatment.

  1. Be prepared for multiple sessions. 

Cold laser therapy is typically given in a series of sessions, usually spaced a few days apart. The number of sessions you need will depend on the severity of your arthritis and your response to the treatment.


There is still much unknown about cold laser therapy and its efficacy for treating arthritis. And there is no definitive answer to whether cold laser therapy is effective for treating arthritis. 

However, the available evidence does suggest that it may be helpful for reducing pain and inflammation. If you are considering this treatment, be sure to speak with your doctor first. For more information on arthritis and other health conditions, check out our other blogs.